Friday, September 19, 2008

Speech Topics and Monday's Tutoring

I know that not everyone was here this morning (by the way, not cool for those who missed). We went over possible prepared speech topics. Everyone needs to think about something they are passionate about that they feel they can talk about for about 3 1/2 minutes to 4 minutes (which is a LONG time). I've chosen to talk about communication and it's evolution over time. Ali wants to talk about the effect the media has on teens. Breanna wants to talk about teen obesity and health. Cynthia plans to speak about superstitions and their cultural roots/effects. Rogelio will speak on advances in video gaming technology. Nick wants to talk about violence in video games and why he is for it. What do the rest of you feel you want to talk about?

Email me possible speech topics, but also have a list of possible topics for Monday, because that is what we will be focusing on during Mr. Whyte's absence.


p.s. Art tutoring is on Monday after school, and Mr. Nagler was thinking about a fieldtrip to view some murals in Pomona. If this does happen, I want to make sure everyone has parental permission to go. If this does not happen, then we will just be in Mr. Nagler's room.

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