Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Speech Outlines due this Friday...

We will work on them daily this week. Prepare to share this Friday.

Also, it has come to my attention that too many of you are not being consistent with attending tutoring. This is a slap in the proverbial face. We must promptly report for 7:15 AM tutoring DAILY. No excuses. You have chosen to dedicate yourself to something larger than life. I commend you on your service. You are noble.

Furthermore, we have set up for daily after school tutoring that you must attend. We must attend. We want to win this year. This will only happen through smart working, team effort, studying and attending tutoring.

I must be blunt. If you can't hack it, then we are going to to have to discuss cutting you have the team. I hope this doesn't have to happen. I believe in you all sincerely, but I can't have a few people showing up here and a few people showing up there.

Are we straight?


See you promptly tomorrow morning.

Mr. Whyte

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